SNC April Dressage Show at Franktown Meadows

Last year's April show at Franktown; also inside due to a monsoon. Note the look of terror on The Beastlet's face.
The Beastlet and I at last year’s April show at Franktown; also inside due to a monsoon. For funsies, imagine kids walking on the walls behind us, people and horses clomping about and dragging their feet on the cement outside the ring, 47 million birds screaming and flying about (and a few making love on the centerline-not kidding here), 30+ horses milling about and a few calling, howling winds, some rain for good measure, and frigid temps. Sounds awesome, huh?

A.K.A. The one where there’s a monsoon and my young horse’s brain cells short out. Continue reading

Show Prep Tips: Packing the Trailer and Hauling

With show season steadily underway I’m spending quite a bit of time playing the trailer packing/organizing/cleaning game along with the dragging horses over the pass without dying game (Yes, being from Florida and used to flat, straight roads has proven to be a detriment in Western NV where every show means crossing the Sierras).  Not that these are actually hugely difficult tasks but they do go a little more smoothly with some planning.  As such I thought I would share some of my personal tips so that hopefully you don’t find yourself away at a show sans important gear.

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